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Old 13 January 2015, 15:19   #1
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"Hunter HD" - Fan Remake (Update Oct 15: Files re-uploaded)

Edit: Newest version 003 on page 5!


A game known to many Amiga users of the early 90s, it was nevertheless something of an underdog and never reached the fame other titles of bigger studios of the era had. After all, it was pretty much developed by one person alone: Paul Holmes! Read an excellent interview over in the Amiga Lore section for more information about the development.

The significance of this humble game was only made clear nearly a decade after it's release: The open world gameplay and 3D graphics became commonplace in such bestsellers as the GTA series, Operation Flashpoint / Armed Assault, and even Bethesda's Action RPGs. Especially Flashpoint could be seen as a spiritual successor to Hunter, along with Just Cause 1 and 2. Both feature expansive, open worlds, a military theme, and the focus on small squads of soldiers or lone heroes.

Personally, I remember my brother playing the game a lot, I didn't play if too often as it just seemed slow to me and even though roaming around the world in vehicles was fun, I didn't understand what I was supposed to do. I also couldn't for the love of god, land that damn helicopter! (I think I later found out that there was some kind of auto-landing key). I know that I was (and still am) intrigued, not to say fascinated, by the eerie, otherworldy atmosphere and the sublte-colored low-polygon vector graphics, which almost gave Hunter something of an abstract visual style.

Since my hobby since I started programming a Hired Guns remake years ago seems to be attempting to make faithful remakes of the Amiga games I loved as a kid, I started development of a Hunter remake! I call it just "Hunter HD" since the higher resolution is the most obvious difference to the original, all the models have been faithfully recreated to look as close to the 1991 Amiga game as possible, including the limited color palette. However, I built in improvements where I thought it made sense, mainly in the controls and GUI, which was a little unwieldy with the mouse/joystick combination.

Long story short, here is the web version of the first version of my Hunter HD remake!
Here's the offline version for those who don't want to install the Unity Player plugin for their browser. Just extract into a directory of your choice / run Build001.exe.

As you can see when you play this version, it is only a proof-of-concept with some basic functionality. You can move around the world (but not swim yet!), pick up a pistol and fire at things, enter vehicles and cruise around, and use the tank to blow stuff up, resulting in nice polygon explosions
the running animation is crap, the vehicle physics are dogdy (try exiting a vehicle while it turns ), and there is no hit indication for the tank shells, but I hope you can see that with a few improvements here and there, the classic game Hunter can be made into a truly great game

Comments, nostalgic memories of your own Hunter experiences / ideaas for a remake are welcome!

Bonus: Vehicles in development

Last edited by Cherno; 07 October 2015 at 21:03.
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