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Old 17 August 2014, 22:40   #3
FS-UAE Developer
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Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Førde, Norway
Age: 43
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I found the problem causing the crash. The following options are not specified in a valid way:
* uae_cpu_compatible = 1
* uae_cycle_exact = 1
(they should be set to true, not 1)

This causes the CPU to be neither cycle exact nor compatible, and there is a bug in WinUAE 2.9.0beta10 / FS-UAE 2.5.11dev causing "non-compatible" 68000 cpu to crash. This seems to be already independently discovered and fixed in WinUAE 2.9.0beta11:
"- 68000 + no cycle exact and no "more compatible" used wrong memory access method. (b9)"

Anyway, as jbl007 correctly notes, you are just making life difficult for yourself by including lots of unnecessary options. For example, using uae_immediate_blits = 0 with Amiga 500 will just make the emulation less accurate.

Adding extra options (and *especially* uae_ options) should only be done when each extra options has a clear purpose

Bypassing the FS-UAE video configuration by using uae_gfx_* options may also confuse FS-UAE, while some uae_gfx_* options are simply ignored. You should only use uae_ options to tweak the Amiga hardware where FS-UAE itself does not provide the options you require.
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