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Old 02 May 2014, 01:07   #8
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Tempe Arizona USA
Posts: 112
OK, this is more info. This was my process.

1. I did a clean install of OS 3.9, installed both the Boing Bags, and made it into an HDF. I did that with the configuration Bloodwych supplied for the installation.

2. This meant that there could be no issues with:
a. my hardware (to include the SD card with 2 4GB partitions formatted with SFS)
b. my installed software
c. my startup-sequence
d. my user-startup

3. I followed the instructions exactly.

4. I reinstalled with all of the options removed and none of them removed.

5. When that didn't work, I did the EXACT SAME PROCESS with Classic Workbench 3.1. It worked great. Then, I formatted an 8GB SD card with SFS into 2 4GB partitions and copied THAT installation onto the SD card. It worked fine.

6. That means that the failed install is not because I am not following the instructions.
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