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Old 25 March 2014, 17:25   #10
Italian Amiga Zealot
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Originally Posted by emufan View Post
hmm, too bad. on amiga explorer website, I read about installation and they write "ae can self-install":
It does Did that myself quite a few times.

It does that in a clever way, it gets the raw input from the SER: device and converts it to "text" using Type. That "text" is just executable code

It obviously needs Type to exist as it uses that to get the input from the serial device, and I suspect that without the Serial prefs the SER: device won't even be configured properly and without a SER: mounted that it won't even be enabled at all!

I'm no WB guru, so I might be missing some awesome-ultra-1337 way of doing that just with a paperclip and a rubber band, but for now it seems that Starglider 2 needs to get his hand on a WB1.3 floppy.

Looks like he'll either need to source one locally or go with a floppy emulator JUST to get a working WB1.3.
Usually bootable floppies include the BARE essential to make it run (that's why there's on Type on there) to save precious kBytes.

As Emufan said, adfread might be an option, but it requires a slightly old PC which supports two floppy drives.
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