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Old 11 October 2013, 13:19   #56
Zone Friend
Join Date: Nov 2003
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Posts: 58
The beast wasn't "frail" in the original game, the manual story says he was Malethoth's "chief executioner" or something and killed hundreds of his enemies so I don't think this re-imagining as a war machine is anything to extreme.

I'm actually quite positive about this unlike a lot of people. Beast had crap gameplay all along, and it was all about the graphics and music. If they capture the feel of the way it looks and sounds, and actually add something interesting to do, this could be quite a fitting tribute.

Interesting to see Karamoon and Malethoth mentioned in the blurb quoted above, so at least they are vaguely keeping the story the same.

Of course if they added full HD (with optional original) graphics and orchestral music to the original trilogy and included them all as extras, that would be nice.
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