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Old 23 June 2013, 13:09   #14
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I put an image in the zone from a partitioned 4GB CF card with PFS3 using all the recommended settings. DH0 is 250MB, DH1 is the rest.
You can use WinImage to write it to a CF card using the function 'Disk->Restore Virtual Hard Disk image on physical drive'.
On my machine WinImage always displays an error message when it reaches the end of the file for some reason (maybe because the file is too small for the destination?) but it works fine anyway.
After this image has been written, two drives should appear on your workbench screen. Format them by executing 'pfsformat device DH0: name Workbench quick' and similar for DH1. Now you should be good to go. If your CF card is smaller than mine, DH1 might not work since it won't fit on your card, but I think they're usually the same size.
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