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Old 05 April 2013, 10:28   #4
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Originally Posted by Den View Post
I agree this is not a "desired" behaviour and that the label should be updated when the instruction that immediately follows it is auto-aligned, be it on the same line, or even 10 (empty) lines below.
I tend to disagree.

This behaviour is intended. You can never say whether an alone-standing label belongs to the source above or below it. Example:
        dc.b    "abc"
The instruction is auto-aligned. But aligning strend would be fatal, because it is used to calculate the string length.

The behaviour of vasm in this respect is absolutely identical to Devpac and AsmOne/AsmPro. All these assemblers will only align labels which are following the aligned instruction or reside on the same line. So there is no reason to change it.

Also, I think it would be nice to be able to disable that auto-alignment feature and have vasm output an 'odd alignment' error so as to have the opportunity to see what has been overlooked
It makes no sense to assemble instructions at an odd address, but I agree that a warning about auto-aligned instructions could be helpful. I changed that (will be in tomorrows source snapshot).

So your example (with an odd string length) would look like this now:
vasm 1.6b (c) in 2002-2013 Volker Barthelmann
vasm M68k/CPU32/ColdFire cpu backend 1.3d (c) 2002-2013 Frank Wille
vasm motorola syntax module 3.4 (c) 2002-2013 Frank Wille
vasm test output module 1.0 (c) 2002 Volker Barthelmann

warning 51 in line 3 of "source.s": instruction had been auto-aligned
>       MOVEM.L D0-D7/A0-A6,-(A7)       ; Put registers on stack
Hope this helps.
Warnings can be disabled as usual, with -w. Or specifically for this new warning: -nowarn=51.
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