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Old 20 November 2012, 02:24   #15
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Why wouldn't they? It's a bit pointless having to learn completely new syntax for every different CPU when they all carry out much the same operations, it makes it far easier to read code for unfamiliar CPUs, etc. I really can't think of a single advantage to manufacturer-specific notation (except that you can quickly tell in most cases what CPU the assembly code you are looking at is written for, because of the non-standardization. But generally one would know this in advance anyway).

It's not hard to support, eg. the disassembler subsystem of my emulator supports it for both the supported CPUs (2650 and 6802).

Anyway I won't rehash all the arguments in favour of it, I will just give some links which provide justification and reference:

Last edited by Minuous; 20 November 2012 at 07:59.
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