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Old 15 November 2012, 22:33   #3
AMOS Extensions Developer
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Originally Posted by Jonathan Drain View Post
A lot of real-time strategy games work on rules that aren't explained in the manual or anywhere, but which are very useful for calculating the most effective strategy. Things like weapon damage, a unit's hit points, or hit/miss chances.

I have trouble spotting game logic in disassembly of the game, because it's usually a very small piece of code (e.g. checking a single integer once in the game loop) and I'm not used to assembly.

Are there any tricks to finding game rules in the game code?

Not sure about individual games, but there are alot of tricks in coding that you can only learn from the programmers themselves. I personally hate trying to understand other peoples code (especially disassembled code).

As for the movement AI in RTS games, they basically use the A* pathfinding algorithm or a variation on it. There used to be pages documenting it on but I can't find them right now. I have them saved to my laptop, so if you are interested I can .lha the webpages and stick them in the zone.


They moved it, it's now here:

Last edited by Lonewolf10; 15 November 2012 at 22:43.
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