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Old 12 November 2012, 23:01   #8
FS-UAE Developer
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Originally Posted by amigamia View Post
Hi All,

I followed the instructions from snakecoils but it still failed copying the libs-capsimage.dylib file during the recompile. I checked the Makefile under macosx folder and I noticed that the cp line had some extra ..
Hi, and welcome here I'll try to help you (and snakecoils) as best as I can.

The extra ../ is not an error, but rather a consequence of how my automated build system works (which executes make -f

Originally Posted by amigamia View Post
make -f
at the top level of the folder didn't work either. I had to cd into the macosx sub folder and just run

sudo make
with the following changes in the Makefile from the same directory.

so the cp for libfs-capsimage.dylib should start as:

cp ../out/libfs-capsimage.dylib etc.etc.
When you run "make -f", a new clean copy of the source dir is created in a subdir, and the compilation process occur in this subdir, so the extra ../ is to account for this. Alternatively, if "make -f" fails, you could post the error here, and we could fix that problem instead.

If you compile from the source tarballs, there's nothing wrong with modifying that line and running make from within the macosx dir (If you compile from the git repository, make -f macosx should be used instead, because this updates the version number thoughout the source code).

Originally Posted by amigamia View Post
OK I got a working FS-UAE.APP on my Powerbook G4. I didn't copy the Contents/Frameworks and Contents/Resources from the intel version. I just copied the libfs-capsimage.dylib in the out folder and modified the Makefile by removing the extra ../ in the cp ../../out/libfs-capsimage.dylib etc. etc. line and voila'
Copying resources from another is generally a bad idea, and copying files from Contents/Frameworks for another CPU architecture is an especially bad idea

Originally Posted by amigamia View Post
Now I need to figure out a way to create an executable for the launcher.
An app bundle for the launcher will be created when you run "make -f", or if you CD into macos and run "make launcher" there. For this to work, you need to have Python 2.7 installed along with the following Python extensions (for 2.7): setuptools, wxPython, pygame, and py2app.

Hope this helps

If you get stuck, just ask for help, but please post any error messages / relevant console output!
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