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Old 27 September 2012, 15:13   #1
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Australia
Posts: 475
Anyone Have Current Issue Of Retro Gamer?/8bit BASIC contest

As I sometimes do if I miss a bus from a particular location, rater than wait arund bored for half an hour I'll stop into the newsagency and have a quick browse through any video games magazines that interest me. Today I was browsing through the current issue of Retro Gamer, and happened to catch a glimpse of a competition to make a game for an 8bit system of your choice, but in BASIC (again, your choice).

I tried to remember the URL so I could check it out, but I could only remember "", and a vague recollection of something like "/retrospect_2012" trailing it. I tried my luck with trying to find it, but unfortunately without joy.

If there's anyone who happens to have a copy could they please look it up please? Im pretty sure its on one of pages 104,106, and 103 (in order of confidence). It was also remember it was a right hand side page, about 2/3rd of the way down, in a column on the right hand side of the page.

Im curious to check this contest out. Ive always had a bit of a fixtion with seeing what people make with restrictive software packages.

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