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Old 20 September 2012, 19:20   #1
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The search for that elusive last Amiga game

I've had this idea stuck in my head for a while, it's hard to describe but I'll do my best. I believe that even though the Amiga has been my main gaming machine for 25 years, and the fact that I know I've played every title worth playing, there is one more game out there that will blow my mind and get me totally hooked for as many hours a day as I humanly can, for several years. Maybe even forever like Kick Off 2 or IK+.

It doesn't have to be a game that I've never heard of (that's almost impossible at this point), not even one that I've underestimated. I'm pretty sure it's installed in my hard drive (practically every WHDLoad title is). Maybe it's a game I enjoyed playing for a short while then put aside in favor of something else then forgot about it. Maybe it's from a genre I don't usually prefer. Whatever the reasons, I strongly believe that game is our there waiting for me and I won't rest until I find it.

Does anyone else feel this way?

Oh and one more thing, kindly keep this thread Amiga only please. I hate it when I start a thread in the English AMIGA Board and it ends up being about anything from 70s Pong consoles to Wii U.

Last edited by alkis21; 20 September 2012 at 19:28.
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