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Old 04 August 2012, 05:48   #7
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Join Date: May 2006
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@alt computing, I sent you a PM about your spare denise.

Damn, I reckon Denise is dead after all. I have replaced the buffers U31 and U32, no improvement and it still gets severely hot.

I found a nice testcard program on aminet-

It has a bunch of test screens some of which give very predictable RGB signals at denise outputs. These show up nicely on the scope from working amigas but I just get various weirdness on this broken one. Course since I can't exactly see whats going on I can't be 100% certain I pressed the right keys to get the pattern I wanted. . .

Since the rest of the amiga seems to be fine I'm kinda tempted to plug in my indiECS just to check that all else is well with the input side to denise. But in case something else is wrong I don't feel too great about plugging it in to a potentially denise killing motherboard.

Really the heat should be a dead giveaway that denise is faulty but since it seems to nearly work, I can't help thinking something else is wrong.
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