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Old 29 September 2010, 23:06   #30
AMOS Extensions Developer
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That's a pity. I'm having problems with the 2nd example (part 2,page 16). The copperlist looks fine (it's a bunch of wait's and color00 changes), but nothing is displayed other than a grey background. I tried changing the copperlist so that it used colours 0 to 4 (trying to find which one workbench used as grey), with no success.
It only uses the DMACON and COP1LCH registers. DMACON has all the DMA disabled, then COP1LCH is set with address of the copperlist, and then copper DMA is set using DMACON ($8080). Can anyone point out what I am missing?

*Just worked it out... forgot to disable FAST ram, so the copperlist (and program) weren't in chipmem. I'll add a seperate config purely for the course *

(I did read the part about most of the examples not working, due to fast RAM being present, but that was yesterday. I didn't try example 2 until today, by which time I had forgotten about the fast RAM thing, doh!!)

Also, after exiting the code all workbench graphical operations run at about 1/5 normal speed (perhaps slower). Is that intentional, or due to my setup?

Setup: WinUAE as A600 (2MB chip RAM, kickstart 37.350, workbench ver. 37.71)

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