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Old 26 September 2010, 20:53   #16
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Posts: 478
Originally Posted by Toni Wilen View Post
Interesting.. I do have rev 2B.

But it isn't that simple... There is ALWAYS at least one program that expect specific behavior.. (It may not have been found yet but it is guaranteed to exist)

AFAIK A500s have same behavior as current WinUAE (and my A1200), so perhaps this is actually a hardware bug in rev1x A1200s..

I guess it must be some extra resistor somewhere because Paula chip is identical.

Real hardware difference needs to be found until I can properly implement in WinUAE. It wasn't right in older version, it only _appeared_ to work but it can't be right because it would break analog joysticks.. (if winuae method would have been converted to real hardware)

btw, WinUAE is not supposed to be "better" Amiga, something working better generally means (not yet found) compatibility issue..
I think you will not find anything Amiga'Standart regarding to 2nd button joystick

I remember also when I had an Amiga 600 the second button joystick worked perfect on the game Lionheart
however on the A1200 2nd button on Lionheart does not works....rev 1d or 1.d4 or 2B
so I always be astonished

the problem is that ppl behind commodore implemented some differences on motherboards and caused incompatibilities on 2nd button but they never take care of this because 2nd button joystick was not so important and few games use it

also developers tested the games on certain motherboards where 2nd button worked.....but ppl have different amigas and different motherboards

that's the problem

so if you find a way that 2nd button works on all games and do not disturb the analog joystick...will be wonderfull
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