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Old 11 August 2010, 11:45   #2
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: France
Posts: 478
I have SPS 0031 and is not complete
This release lacks sound effects...for example when you hit a tomb or when you grab objects or when you grab the armor
also lacks tons of sound effects during the game like the flying pig' shouts and others sounds effects

SPS 0031 is the version that on ancient times was cracked by all groups and of course the cracked versions lacks all these sound effects

codetapper have the best version which have all the sounds effects working
but he is still working on the seems that still can't fix the pauses during the game

I have a beta version by codetapper works ok with all sound effects working but there are pauses during the game and there is another bug....the hero can't turn at the moment of the jump
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