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Old 05 May 2010, 20:57   #1
Posts: n/a
JIT/Sound Question

Hi Everyone,

I'm new to this forum - have read the topics from time to time, but now i have a question i cannot resolve for myself - any help appreciated.
I've been using WinUAE for quite some time and some years ago i found it much better than the real amigas i was using - one being an amiga 2000 with some extensions, the othe being an amiga 1200/30@40mHz.
One ove the main advantage was plain speed - JIT made it possible and always worked perfectly for me (using Workbench, applications and even some Games - which brings me to the point).
I've read (and yes - understand as well), that the combination of JIT and compatibility is not - and will not be a goal of the project.
However: There's a game i've used to play over the years with a friend of mine - Ambermoon.
The game uses 3d-graphics and afaik was one of the first to do on the amiga. With my old PC (single core, 32bit, old version of winuae (no idea about the version number though)) i could use JIT, so the graphics would be very smooth and everything would work. With my new PC (quad-core, win7/64bit and latest builds of winuae) i have the choice either to use JIT - with smooth graphics and distorted sound (a 'voice' seems to apper/disapper randomly), or use a Configuration without JIT, giving me perfect sound, but low FPS in the 3d-parts of the game. This doesn't seem to be conneted to a special configuration (i think i've tried every combination of settings that made sense to me - including display/vsync, blitter, compatibility settings... thus no configuration data attached).
A thing i found out recently and don't understand: If i Check the Checkbox "24-bit addressing" in the cpu-configurations, it works perfectly -> high FPS, perfect sound. Knowing this, i'm able to play the game. However i don't understand what the checkbox does and whether this is a bug or a feature.
I think Ambermoon is legally downloadable via the thalion webshrine, so i would be willing to provide you with a hardfile with ambermoon installed. Please correct me, if i'm wrong here.

thanks and regards,

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