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Old 06 February 2010, 20:49   #19
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Originally Posted by pmc View Post
In other words when I asked who would choose the list of respected EAB members to vote on whether the game you made was any good or not your answer was: I will.
I was thinking of Cammy actually.

Seems pretty tenuous to me - you do realise that contributing anything creative means there's a possibility that people might say that don't like what you've produced? I say swallow that fear and make your game anyway.
As I am the developer of two rather popular adventure games, one of them commercial, I've learned how to swallow it (and choke on it) years ago. It would just be easier for me to accept criticism from people who actually played the game, and I can't be sure of that with this voting system.

Originally Posted by mosfet View Post
I think the problem is that if the open vote is on some rating website and there's a prize involved, someone's bound to find a way to stuff the ballot using dynamic IPs or whatever...

An open vote in a forum would make that kind of abuse easier to spot, if the winner gets most of their votes from newly-registered accounts. Plus it's still a public vote.
Not a bad idea either.
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