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Old 06 February 2010, 16:29   #16
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Originally Posted by alkis21
Who in the right mind wouldn't have faith in the result of a committee of, say, TheCyberDruid, killergorilla, s2325, Akira, Zetr0, and Graham? Hell, I'd trust that committee to rule my country.
In other words when I asked who would choose the list of respected EAB members to vote on whether the game you made was any good or not your answer was: I will.

Originally Posted by alkis21
It seems like a popularity contest
But choosing a list of "respected members" wouldn't be...?

Originally Posted by alkis21
and we have absolutely no guarantee that the people who voted played any of the games. We don't even have any guarantee that they know what an Amiga is.
Seems pretty tenuous to me - you do realise that contributing anything creative means there's a possibility that people might say that don't like what you've produced? I say swallow that fear and make your game anyway. As long as you do your best and you're proud of your effort and what you've produced who cares what anyone else says about it?

Originally Posted by alkis21
I'm not saying that you are wrong and I am right, I am only explaining why I would personally prefer a committee to a public vote.
That's fair enough - likewise, I don't want to argue or cause any resentment, I'm just offering an alternate point of view.
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