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Old 13 January 2010, 17:22   #8
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Yes, solving the "chicken-and-egg" problem of getting the first files over to an unexpanded Amiga would be helpful to many.

I think we're mainly talking A500, A600 and A1200, and for the last two the solution is 40 Euro (CF-adapter+cable+CF card+card reader) and a WinUAE tutorial away - if the internet-capable machine is a Windows machine, that is. And that's a very good solution indeed - and it's not impossible to get an installed bundle of the above from eBay, regardless of whether we think it's evil or not

A1000, A3000, A4000 are scarce and those who buy them usually don't buy them for a quick romp in the TV sofa. Games I mean, what did you think I meant eh?

So, A500. Physical floppy and a proper cable, possibly with a serial to USB converter - and suitable PC (/Mac/Linux) software. Still needs help setting up and buying the right stuff. Catweasel. PC only, and user help likely needed.

So, sure. I'm all for it. Even getting new empty error-free floppy disks is not something you can buy in a store. I can see how getting ones with the stuff you want already at a cheap price could be attractive - and they wouldn't even need an internet connection/second computer.

And I agree Amigakit is excellent in resolving all of these transfer problems as well as giving user help, doesn't mean others can't help.

Me, I still think CF is a cheap enough solution, and surely everyone can visit the PC-owning neighbor if they don't have one and set it up with WinUAE. So I think the new IDE board for A500 (et al) will be an excellent and helpful addition.
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