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Old 17 November 2009, 23:08   #8
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True story, at college an Amiga guy (I met him, but didn't really know him that well, just traded Amiga stuff) took his Amiga and hooked it up to his HUGE stereo.

He took the speakers and laid them face down on the floor (I think he was 3rd of 4th floor of a 5 floor dorm) and took one of the explosion samples from the game "Firepower" and played it with his volume at the max.

It didn't get the reaction it would have nowadays, but it got him more than enough attention at the time. :-) I think it was just campus police, not real ones, and I can't remember how bad he got in trouble, but it was awesome!!

(And awesome that it wasn't me.. :-)


p.s. I remembered that there were people saying he blew out windows (he didn't, but it was all over that he had.. :-)
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