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Old 12 November 2009, 02:08   #1
Plagueis/KRX's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2009
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Age: 49
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What Crunchers do you guys prefer?

I was wondering what crunchers you guys use to crunch your demo parts? I know I remember something about Photon saying he just finished coding a crunching utility for Scoopex, and I've heard some other utilities mentioned in the past, but I can't recall the name of the main one that was associated with a lot of the old school demos...I believe it was responsible for a lot of the multicolored flashing that was so reminiscent of scene releases of those days, when they loaded up. You knew the "good stuff" was about to hit the screen when that happened!

I have Defjam cruncher that I downloaded from somewhere, and of course no docs, since if you weren't lame, you were supposed to already know what to set all the offsets and pointers to. I can probably blunder my way through using this, but if anyone has any tips or dox, please feel free to post, or PM me.

I'm at the point right now where I've learned how to set up a copper list, make some nice multi-colored bars on the screen, and I've even stumbled on how to make them look diagonal, and how to get a bunch of 8 bit wide splits on the screen. Now I'm fooling around with bitplanes, and sprites, and I'd like to have a way to crunch my programs and send them to PMC and others in order for them to check out my progress.

Greets to Paul, and the Retro crew for making it possible for me to leap from the c64 scene and start also coding on the Amiga. I'd also like to thank Galahad/FLT and Photon/Scoopex, Stingray/Scarab, and other coder/crackers whose posts have been educational for me.


PS: If there was already a thread regarding this subject, please point me to it. Thanks!
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