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Old 08 October 2009, 18:55   #1
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WTB - PCI Express GFX Card


I know its not Amiga related but many of us here are gamers for sure! So thought I would take a punt...

My 8800GTS just died last week and I am looking for a similar replacement to last me until I build a new system later in the year/early next year.

So if you've just upgraded and have one of the following or similar that you dont need I would be happy to take it off you hands for a fair and reasonable price.

8800 GTS (512mb or 640mb versions pref) would consider the 320mb if its cheap...
8800 GT (512mb) or (Matching pair for SLI)
9600 GT (or Matching pair for SLI)
8800 GTX (768mb)
8800 Ultra

Might even consider a couple of high end 7000 series if they are a matching pair for SLI as that could offer up a similar performance at a reasonable price.

As you probably guess its an NVidia card I am after.



Last edited by fitzsteve; 08 October 2009 at 19:21.
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