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Old 05 October 2009, 14:58   #12
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Originally Posted by Rixa View Post
Here's my attempt at everything. It could possibly still use some work at places. If at places it looks odd or out of place, it may well be just me trying to keep it true to the original. Ask if you feel its too odd. Translated in order of appearance.
Amazing, thanks!
Originally Posted by Rixa View Post
["small round" is probably a cultural reference to a catchphrase of an old bread commercial, but that kind of meaning is hard to carry across so perhaps its looking weird for no reason]
I can think of something similar in Norwegian, but that's not much help.
Originally Posted by Rixa View Post
[This is impossible. The adjective is not exactly 'sweet' but an uncommon variant with some additional meanings that I struggle to understand myself. If you can think of an uncommon English synonym for sweet, perhaps use it instead. The rest is saying beware of getting stuck in the broth/gravy/sauce. But to be 'in' the gravy is also a figure of speech for being in trouble. I'm not sure if that is intended or if the author just wanted to be funny here. The word order is also unlikely and I've preserved it here, but Finnish is much more flexible about word order than English so it may be a bit too much. I used 'sauce' for no good reason. Maybe broth would be better. It's liquidy, right? Obviously it's just referring to the pool of liquid in the level.]
Which meaning of sweet is it? Sugary, friendly/kind, nice-smelling, nice-sounding, etc.? Can you attempt to explain the additional meanings even if you don't fully understand? It's a long shot, but it could help choosing the right synonym. As for the gravy, we have a similar expression in Norway about glue instead. It may not be possible to keep both the meaning (reference to the pool) and the pun in English.
Originally Posted by Rixa View Post
[originally in singular, but sounds too weird in English that way]
As in "fortunately victory isn't taxed"? I don't think it sounds too bad.
Originally Posted by Rixa View Post
[I'm not sure what to do about this screen. The addresses are no longer current, the area code of the telephone number does not exist anymore and neither does the currency implied.]
Probably drop it and use the screen from the 1998 free version instead. I've tried contacting the authors of the game and its web site, but no luck yet.
Originally Posted by Rixa View Post
unidentified.. where is it?
At the bottom of level 2 (Ekolos), to the right. It's probably an abbrevation, but I don't know for what.

As for the problems on newer Amigas, do you know what is required to make it work? I've made sense of most of the disassembled code, and it runs fine when reassembled, so I could probably add some fixes if I was told what to do. Is there a system call for switching the sprites to low-res for example? The display looks completely bonkers when emulating a newer Amiga as well, so I can do tests.

I don't suppose anyone has identified the fonts in the images?
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