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Old 26 September 2009, 20:55   #6
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Originally Posted by Rixa View Post
Turboraketti is one of my all-time favourites. I was myself toying with the idea of building a WHDLoad slave with optional translations, but that hasn't happened yet.. if you do a good job it might never. I'd like a WHDLoad slave though. Turboraketti does fairly well without, but there are some hassles in my setup. I seem to recall the mouse pointer needs to be in low res or the sprites get broken and I also needed to do some degrade with tude or the graphics were otherwise broken. A WHDLoad slave would simplify all that greatly.
I don't know anything about or compatability problems making WHDLoad slaves, but if/when I finish making sense out of the code I'll be happy to share my results and get some help with that part. I've already been toying with the idea of cleaning up the code somewhat, but I'm trying to hold back and not bite over too much at once. One thing at a time.
Originally Posted by Rixa View Post
Finnish likes compound nouns. I'm a native speaker but not a linguist, so I only know what I like and not why that is. "Turboraketti" should be grammatically correct. "Turbo raketti" on the other hand sounds very wrong. If you translate the name, it should in my mind definitely be "Turborocket" instead of "Turbo Rocket".
That's nice to know! I do disagree with you on making a compound noun of the name in English, as it wouldn't be grammatically correct. On the other hand I don't think the name should be changed in a translation anyway, as Turboraketti is what the game is known as. Not to mention it would be quite hard to change the graphical logo in the menu, artistically speaking.

Originally Posted by Rixa View Post
Some of the language used is intentionally(?) a bit wacky, and perhaps you would like your translation to reflect this. The fuel, for instance, is inexplicably written with a z: "benziiniä" ("amount of gazoline"). The status screen header for the statistics on how you've lost ships also uses a somewhat unlikely word; "särki menneet alukset" ("smashed ships"). It's hard to explain but its not a word you expect when you're not talking about cracks on the windshield - but it's not exactly wrong either. There is more.

Perhaps I could review what Bamiga2002 comes up with and offer some suggestions if I come up with any.
That would be great! I'd really like the translation to be as true to the original as possible, which is why I'm asking for help instead of using online translation.
Originally Posted by Rixa View Post
If you intend to release a changed version, you should really contact the original author and okay it with him first. If you don't know how, private message me for an e-mail address that still worked last year. If that fails, I still know someone who knows him personally.
I'd definitely want to do that. Perhaps he'd like to approve the translation as well. I've tried contacting the guy who runs the official home page regarding another question, but haven't heard anything yet. I'll pm you shortly.

Meanwhile I've found some more Finnish strings if someone wants to translate:
    db    ' Pelejä:v/h/t  -',0
    db    ' Peliaika',0
    db    ' Aluksia:y/a/s -',0
    db    'Luovutat voittajalle 00.0 pistettä',0,0
    db    'Luovutat kaverillesi 00.0 pistettä',0,0
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