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Old 18 September 2009, 04:44   #12
I hate potatos and shirts
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I just have the physical 7.0 ROM. But the binary (Binddriver version) is available nearly everywhere.

As a matter of clarification: without the physical ROM attached to the board you cannot autoboot. And using a dirty trick to use an older version is not worth the hassle*

*Dirty trick (tm): use the old ROM version compatible with the boot drive in the controller, create a RAD: disk with the needed boot startup and drivers, kill the resident ROM version using a specific program, then boots from the RAD: issuing the binddrivers command with the newer binary ROM in the Expansion drawer.

Presto! Bigger drivers and even removable units recognized at the expense of a loooooong boot time.

It is possible to make this using the GVP controllers in one of mine A2000 Amiga (the one with the HC+8 and A3001: I use the boot IDE HD to transfer the boot to SCSI and then I issue a special program to KILL the lousy IDE ROM, then on SCSI boot I issue a binddriver command to call a special ROM remake who is able to use biger HDs on the IDE and even CD/DVD units!
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