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Old 07 September 2009, 23:24   #37
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Originally Posted by FrenchShark View Post
Well, for one demo, I do not really care. I am even wondering if I will implement this extra fill mode cycle. The Minimig does not do it and it still nice to be faster than the original. Usually it does not hurt.

For example, the VHDL implementation of Capcom's 1943 that I have has a Z80 running at 24MHz (the original runs at 6MHz). Only the instructions fetches are slowed down to 6MHz. As a result, the animation is smooth all the time even with the maximum number of sprites (128 total).


I think sacrificing compatibility is a bad idea. You don't know it's just for one demo. There are plenty of platforms that "run Amiga faster than any Amiga". And even more games/demos/apps that are incompatible with all versions of the real thing. But that was usually future-incompatibility with machines that didn't exist yet. Now all original Amigas have been manufactured, so you can look back and choose the model you like.

So if you know the cause and it doesn't require complex patching, why not make it proper? After release missing features might be requested and then you might have to make patches instead of a simpler solution perhaps.

I'm a bit passionate about this subject so sorry I'd love to see any Amiga model 100% re-made in off-the-shelf components. Will yours use buffers for I/O, video, audio?
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