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Old 03 September 2009, 19:32   #1
Posts: n/a
Can't start any WHDLoad game in GBA 1.6

Hi guys, first of all great forums. I'm an emu-freak and am very fond of amiga, c64,zx etc. I also like games (duh) and decided to try the Game Base Amiga.
i have the full package (without the CDTV and CD32 versions) and all works well XCEPT THE DARN WHDLOAD GAMES. I use WinaUAE 1.4.6 (tried the 1.5.0, still the same) and the thing is when I go to EXTRAS -> WHDLOAD then GBA starts WHDRun and when I click Start game the winuae starts but it just hangs there (Not responding). when i ALT+TAB to WHDRun it says "Waiting for WunUAE to finish". I can turn off WHDRUN (ALT+CTR+DEL) but there is NO WAY I can turn off WINUAE except for the power button on my PC. I'm not new to emus and frontends but this left me clueless. PLS HELP
Thanx in advance guys and keep up the good work
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