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Old 07 April 2009, 08:03   #11
Precious & fragile things
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Location: Victoria, Australia
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Ok, I can see a problem here and I believe that my question has been answered, just in a roundabout type of way.

In WB2.04 I had a thing called mountlist, which I came to know and love as a source of driver jiggery pokery. WB3.1 doesn't have a mountlist, or not one I could find, only the entries for CD0 / PC0 etc.

Do I;

A. Need to create a mountlist entry and mark out the parameters for all my HDD, or by listing them under DOS Drivers as DH0: - DH2: with their relevant specs?

B. Use HDDToolbox, which I could never get to find the partitions that had been setup by Faaaastprep?

If I understand rightly, it would seem the system is just running under some form of default, with Rkauer's reply, if the SCSI controller is on the GVP 030 combo board, I should be able to set the mask type to FFFFFFFF, or did I get this wrong too?

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