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Old 11 March 2009, 10:10   #15
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Naturally I dont wish to go to a lot of work getting all the titles together and having them on a format that doesnt ensure their longevity, but in the same breath the way I see it is that currently there isnt really an alternative, and putting them in this format with the Cyclone20 and the HxC does leave room to transfer them to another format at a later date.

I know it becomes a copy of a copy, but if the IPF format is as good as it seems to be, then its a way forward.

Coming from the Acorn scene we have seen things like the BBC Domesday Project lost, and although attempts to preserve it have been made for the people who would still find it useful there is no way of accessing it.

I certainly appreciate your comments though Alex, and any suggestions are valued as the more formats the discs are stored as the more likely they are not to be lost.
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