Thread: Soldering hints
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Old 23 September 2008, 00:02   #99
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Glad to amuse. How about this?

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Now I know how to remove surface mount components without the aid of hot air... next question:

I have two double-sided 72pin 128mb simms - both have blown the same two chips, so I'm thinking here's a chance for a bit of practice...
...remove the damaged chips from both, then cannibalise one of the simms for a couple of good chips to repair the other.

If I make a Horlicks of it I've lost nothing, if it works I get one of my 128mb simms back.

Now, being double-sided simms the above trick isn't going to work, and the SM chips are the type where the pins are folded under the package...*ll do you remove them with just the standard equipment when you can't get at the solder pads?
ie: iron, solder, wick, flux-pen.

Is there a 'dirty-trick' like the above clothes iron link..? I'm not after perfection here - if it works I'm happy.

I've seen a 'trick' where you deliberately bridge all the pins with solder, melt solder, then lift one side @ a time...
...very messy & would that work for longer packages?

Oh, yes - how do you re-solder such chips with 'folded-under' pins? Splash on a load of solder then wick-out the bridges? There must be a better way...

Last edited by Charlie; 23 September 2008 at 00:10.
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