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Old 01 July 2008, 14:09   #3
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I've been asked quite often how I could link my (relative) knowledge of WinUAE and the installation of Amiga system programs. Well, there's a chance the majority people following a Guide to install AmigaOS are doing it from a PC, via an emulator (WinUAE, E-UAE, Amithlon...). AmigaOS runs fast and is pretty stable when executed from within an emulated environment, with the optimal UAE settings.

Some veteran Amiga users deter WinUAE's massive GUI. Personally, I think it could be your best asset, if you pass the initial complexity. True, it requires some testing, but it has a linear learning curve, meaning the more you learn about it, the less you're likely to loose time on pointless settings.

Display tab options for example are really exemplary, as with Picasso96, they provide you with the ability to run your Workbench in any resolution and color mode your graphic adapter is capable of, going beyond the infamous PicassoMode which has inmho the most dreadful video support modes.

Of course people running real Amigas with hard drives and such are more than welcome to use the resource more specifically designed for people running emulators. Here is what I found out :

Believe it or not, Amiga machines are still sold today (I am not talking about Commodore attempt to penetrate the PC market). Not so much Classic Amigas (A500 s & A1200s) but Amiga PCs based on exotic hardware (Pegasos, Efika...) which gives the ability to run Amiga Games (old -68k's and not so old -Power PC's...) and Applications almost natively and furthermore, but also taking advantage of the 'newest' 3D games, like those developed for the Power PC chipset, mostly alienated to UAE users.

Some of these people (a fraction of the MorphOS user base, not to name them) have mitigated reactions to Amiga emulation, going from indifference to hostility. You may refer to this article this article.

I spent countless hours trying to grab the rationale behind this, but ultimately failed at it. I think I try myself at picturing the general idea, though :

Buying real Amiga hardware still has some virtues (like boosting the remaining software companies to produce hits, even it's it at a much, much lower pace than 20 years ago)

UAE Amigans should be aware of most if not all the legal issues involved with the use of copyrighted material : Amiga Inc. struggle to keep its branding name, Workbench VS AmigaOS statutory disputes (It's unclear what we should do about it, except of course make sure we have acquired the roms from an official reseller -Cloanto, Haage & Partner)

Amiga is a registered trademark of Amiga inc.
V3.9 AmigaOS CDs can be bought from the German company named Haage & Partner
Most if not all credit due to the Green Alien guides authors

Last edited by NewDeli; 20 August 2008 at 09:14.
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