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Old 12 January 2008, 22:58   #10
Coastal Amigan (USA)
Join Date: Dec 2007
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Age: 49
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well a1200s arent that cheap here in the states where as they seem to be very affordable in the UK.

I was afraid to get a new one from china and be hit with customs or something. So I got one from somoene that has good amiga rep on ebay and will be happy with it for now. I can do midi and anything else with PC so the compute r aspect while nice, does not fit my budget at this time.

Its a readymade solution to play some great games on a tv.

$100 with free shipping not so bad here in the USA.

Thanks a lot. I just realized this should be moved probally to the beginner thread and not scene-news.

Mods ....anytime now.

I would say likelyhood of an SX-1,32 popping up will be rare over here for an affordable price anyways.

I am hoping the floppy drive addon with clock will be exploited and modded out for some additional goodies.

Until then I am content.

Plus CD32 has a very high WAF
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