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Old 12 January 2008, 01:34   #19
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Originally Posted by turrican3 View Post
....We could use winlaunch with dopus magellan like a filetype ? impossible ? tell me
Not quite impossible but a bit tricky to do
The problem starts with the PC side not having full access to the emulated amiga filesystems ( eg. ram disk, hdf and adf files )
- drives being enumerated quite diffrently ( A:\ B:\ C:\ vs. Df0: Df1: DH0: or HD0: )
- path seperators are reversed ( \ vs / )

One could write a script wich copies the files from within the Emulated enviroment to a temporary location on the PC side (huge overhead and a pain for big files)

A more intelligent script would first determine if the file in question is on a drive which can be reached from the PC side without the need for copying and if this is the case then this script reparses the Amiga path to a PC path and passes the information to Winlaunch
ofcourse copying to a temp dir would still be required for files on RAM: and other amiga specific filesystems (emulated floppies and hdf's)

I started working on the latter in Arexx but got held back by personal issues which i still havn't fully resolved.
I might post what i already had when i find my amiga usb stick,
keep in mind it was only a very early internal alpha test version.
That and the version of winlaunch found on aminet seems to be made by someone who doesn't understand the Amiga programming etiquette. (he prints text to the console on failure and success) just take a look at it's source code to see how messy it is

So here's a request on my side if anyone feels up to the task of making the winlaunch more conform to AmigaDos standards (eg correct RC's and such) be my guest as i'm guessing it's not being actively developed anymore

Last edited by smoorke; 12 January 2008 at 01:54. Reason: corrected spelling errors
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