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Old 24 June 2001, 23:10   #8
Shatterhand's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: Rio de Janeiro / Brazil
Age: 41
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The first game I played (and saw) on amiga was Wings Of Fury.

It was in the early 90s, the MSX, once strong here in Brazil, was starting to get weak, and everybody was changing to Amiga. My fav MSX magazine begun to publish Amiga stuff, until they dividided the Mag in 2, a section for MSX, and other for Amiga. One of my "pirate games seller" stopped selling MSX games to sell Amiga games. Then, my dad bought an Amiga to him (My parents were/are divorced). I went to his house, and saw that little piece of computer called A500. It was so SMALL, and looked so tame, I though "Ha, this can't be better than my MSX)

and of course, it was... Wings Of Fury didn't impresse me to much, but then he showed me nice stuff like R-Type 2, Prince of Persia and Lotus 2

3 months later I had my own amiga :-)
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