Thread: Amiga Disk Mags
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Old 24 June 2001, 18:22   #24
Posts: n/a
Allright... First things firts then..:

I'm glad you all like the update! Thanks!

Well, I will reply to your posts then:


I already have the following disks of THE ONE:
Mar 92 (But I don't have detailed information about these disks and I also don't have the cover and diskscans.. So that would be nice! )
Oct 94
Nov 94 (I do have the Aladdin disk, but I can't make it work with WinUAE..)
Jan 95

So I don't have the disks of the following The One issues:
Apr 92
Nov 93
Dec 93
Jan 94
Feb 94
Mar 94
Dec 94
Seems great demos to me on these disks, so these disks would be VERY nice! And some detailed information with them would be EXTREMELY nice !

I already have the disks of Amiga Power 10 and 11 but (again) some more detailed information of these disks would be welcome!
I can't tell at the moment if I have the other disks you mentioned.. (Amiga Computing, Amiga Format, Amiga Action, Amiga User International), because I'm currently not at the right place where I can check this.. I will sort these disks out tonight..


I'm afraid I don't have the time to scan every Amiga magazine... For now I will focus on scanning the front covers and the diskscans, but if someone has a special request (Like Graham in another post) just say so and I will see what I can do for you...

And Basejumpers and Holiday Lemmings can indeed be found on January disk B. This disk is already available on my site..
As for The One Jan 94, Hmm... a bit weird just like Akira said there must be some confusion because you both mentioned the same month with different games.. Well, I would like to have them both then! Maybe there is some difference? (Wrong month? Bonus disks?) Does someone know?

I can't check the CuAmiga disks you mentioned right now, I'll check them tonight...
Hmm.. The disk you mentioned with no proper label... Just send it over and I will check it out...

And indeed, I also have the corrupted Amiga Power disk 64 you mentioned.. I know the PD-Game Blob is on this disk, but I can't even get it to run with an Amiga Emulator! So could you tell me which configuration you use to get this game running?

And I don't know the mags Amiga Mania and 'Public Domain'.. I do have some disks of some other rare magazines though... I will add them eventually in the future... But if you have disks of Amiga Action and/or Public Domain then I'm interested of course! Every coverdisk is interesting!

Well, I'll give answer the three questions you mentioned:
1. Fault of mine... The non-java menu link to The One september 91 is working now.. The Java link isn't working.. I'll fix it tonight.. Thanks for reporting! But I don't know what's wrong with the AP63 disk though.. Hmm.. I'll check it out tonight..
2. Well, If you still see 'unavailable, please send to...' then I still don't have these disk! So the answer is no, I haven't received any of these disks..
3. About the .nfo and file_id.diz files you mentioned. I didn't make these docs, One guy named KnucklesD have made these disk, so it was easy for me to add them.. I takes too much time for me to make 1 .nfo and 1 file_id.diz for each coverdisk.. But if someone is willing to do this for some coverdisks then I would be very grateful.. Just send the nfo/id.diz files over and I will include them within the zips...

Thanks for your support and I'm looking to your disks!


Thanks for looking for some coverdisks! Anyway.. I can't check right now If I have these disks or not... I'll check them out tonight...

Thanks for your support guys!
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