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Old 16 September 2007, 01:56   #26
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Join Date: Aug 2007
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Posts: 273
Thanks for the comments, guys. I myself have excellent eyesight, and to be honest I find reading plain RTF or TXT quite easy in programs like Context (a kind of Notepad variant), on my LCD monitor.

It would be possible to effectively format the columns in such filetypes, poviding one used a fixedwidth font and the same number of characters per line, or thereabouts. I've read whole textbooks this way. Hehehe, who needs PDF or LIT for books?

Of course, the pics would have to be ommitted, but that is no big deal, not to me, and not to most Amigans.

Currently, to view pagescans, I use XnView, which is an excellent program for zooming in to and dragging about the scan, but I have noticed many scans are blurry (and not even aligned straight), and although my eyesight is good, I can't read them for long with such annoyances.

The main advantage of OCR'ing is, as I said, searching, cross-referencing, and their minimal size, which means they can easily be deciminated throughout the Amiga community.

Lemon Amiga is a site I avoid, and Amiga Game Database I love for reviews. Why? One is bloated with graphics and other fluff, along with shallow comments by people who know nothing, and the other is written by experts and amateurs and is presented in plain HTML, which each review in TXT. Although the reviews aren't anything amazing, they are fun and easy to read, and I have learnt more from that site than that lemon.
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