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Old 15 September 2007, 07:44   #20
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I'm not talking about OCR'ing every page of every magazine; I'm talking about OCR'ing reviews and previews, and perhaps other interesting gaming articles, which would then be easily searchable and cross-referenced.

Admittedly, I'm ignorant of OCR technology (i.e., how long it takes to scan a page, almost totally free of errors), but I remember OCR'ing stuff one decade ago that even then seemed quite feasible. Surely, the concept has evolved since then.

Gone are the days of salivating over screenshots of the latest game, or over the advert for it. I was a kid back then. Now I would rather the information, and only the information, shrug.

A whole game, through killergorilla's non-bloat WHDLoad site or through some ADF source, can be downloaded almost as quickly as a four page review scan whereas one could OCR the reviews and previews for 100s of games, which could be downloaded in the blink of an eye, and search through in milliseconds.

If someone would OCR these reviews and previews, starting with the most famous, critically acclaimed games, I would happily proof read them, it would be a joy. To my mind, this idea serves more practical purpose than whole scans of magazines, for the Amiga culture as a whole, since information about Amiga games would be deciminated faster and more efficiently.

Yes, it can be nostalgic to see the actual pagescan of a magazine you purchased as a child, keep on scanning. But there should be alternatives for Amigans who don't want pretty pics, but just raw info.
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