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Old 25 January 2007, 19:31   #97
Ya' like it Retr0?
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heys andy2004,

the problem you would run into is the fact that the PC runs a native FAT filesystem, this is incompatible without drivers on the Amiga,

if you are thinking of going the IDE CF route, perhaps a small CF card say 128 or 256MB these are dirt cheap, and in some cases given away with a PCMCIA CF adapter (i got a 256MB free)...

with this setup as a permanment hard disk with a workbench installed (including PCMCIA CF FAT drivers added) that way you can use upto a 4GB cf card for ADF transfers in the PCMCIA port.... its an easier method than say trying to partition the CF card for FAT and AmigaOS formats... (it would be a little tricky to say the least)
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