Thread: WHDLoad error
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Old 13 March 2006, 18:33   #15
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Originally Posted by Black Wolf
I am going to pretend that I didn't read that. How do you know that this isn't my first topic on the board, and who asked you to help anyway? I joined up ages ago under the name "Exodus" when I was new to Amiga emulation, and wanted a bit of help from the professionals. However, as time went on, I was able to run most Amiga games under WinUAE by creating configs and twinkering with a few settings, so I stopped using the board for a while.
what you have to remember is that the reason why WHDLoad hasn't attracted any criticism from publishers is because in 99.99% of all installs, only the original is supported, otherwise WHDLoad would probably not be allowed to exist. For instance:

Cannon Fodder is still making money for Codemasters (they bought Sensible Software), because the WHDLoad install only supports the original, they can't really complain. But if I was to support the cracked version, why bother buying the official release for PSP or Gameboy Advance when you could run an Amiga emulator on those systems and use the Amiga version instead?

Occasionally, more due to a games rarity, a crack will be supported, and sometimes not even by design, a crack will work with the install, but WHDLoad has had a trouble free existence so far by not going out of its way to support cracks, and that is the way it must stay for the time being.
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