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Old 07 March 2006, 18:52   #18
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Originally Posted by dir_marillion
The Atari ST family was great because:

a. it had 640*400 resolution at 72KHz in 1985 (first production) and a stable desktop operating system, when Amiga was not in production yet. Only the desktop Amigas with graphic cards could have (after 1989) a resolution like that (of course more expensive).

b. it had Calamus that was and it is still (in PC platforms) the greatest DTP professional program ever created (could create a whole newspaper with a machine that had total of 2MB memory and a floppy disk capable of 720 KB). Until today, Amiga has nothing to show in this category as PageMaker has still many bugs and it is an ugly and unprofessional program.

c. it had Cubase and two build-in midi ports. Midi on Atari is still the best in the world (it is still using on Music Studios for timing and controlling Synthesizers) as the operating system on Atari is single-tasking and has no midi timing errors. Cubase is used also in mac and pcs. Amiga has not any serious Midi-Sequencer, even Bars & Pipes used only by hobbyists.

d. it had millions of text editors with "truetype fonts knowledge", as Amiga started developing programs such like Final Writer and Wordworth (they are already dead) very late. Papyrus and various German text editors are still in production in Atari platforms.

e. it had great databases since the first day. There are still many databases under development today, for Atari. Check for instance the Hisoft's TWIST. Amiga had only one professional database: The Superbase. And by the way, Superbase start developed on Atari since 1986.

f. all models had great design in difference with Amiga early models that were ugly, until the approach of A1200 and A4000 (this is my personal opinion). Check Atari TT and Amiga 3000 for instance and you will understand what I mean.

g. Atari ST was the first 16bit system that had Macintosh emulation (under macos system 6), in 1986-87. The program had the name: SPECTRE and could handle by hardware real mac roms.

and final h. it can handle X-Windows on Debian with the Build-In Graphic Card. AGA and ECS cannot :-)

I like Amiga like you !! Atari people is just like you :-)
from a professional standpoint i guess you're right. i owned an ATARI 520 ST before switching to AMIGA and i personnaly think that what it was lacking most is fun (which in a sense is consistent with all what you said)... the graphics were poor (B&W in the super hires mode you're refering to), the sound chip was awful and scrolling/sprites were such a mess compared to the amiga that any ludic experience on both machines definitely happened to be much better on the amiga side!!
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