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Old 17 December 2004, 05:22   #9
Going nowhere
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Age: 50
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Thanks Istvan for the sole vote of confidence.

Firstly, the disks are not lost or destroyed or anything. I have them, they are fine, the game will be released, but I have to redo the crack as I have moved house twice since I had them, and I lost my crack master disks.

Secondly, the copy protection on the game is absolute crap! I had the game fully cracked in less than 2 hours, start to finish. As in Robocop 3, people shouldn't be so quick to brag about their coding 'skills'. The fact is, only a competant cracker could come up with a protection system that would seriously challenge another cracker, and seeing as Gaston/Fairlight tried it with Deepcore and that got cracked quickly, I would suggest that no-one out there is ready to say their protection system is 'great'.

Damonenburg is safe, it is not lost, but as Istvan has already pointed out, I have a life that sadly doesn't revolve around the Amiga 24/7.

I've been doing this for over 15 years now, I think I've earnt a little break every now and then.

If people don't like that.... tough shit. Have a bit of faith, have a bit of trust... you'll feel better.
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