Thread: Dogfight II
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Old 10 November 2004, 19:22   #1
Posts: n/a
Dogfight II

does anybody remember the game, 'dogfight 2'? it was semi- public domain and came to us from a company called 'deja vu' for a pound or two. ive found other games called dogfight but they are not the same. it was a top down experience with 8 aircraft (we usually crammed the fingers of 3 people around the keyboard and had 5 computer players). these aircraft ranged from things like super planes to the more arcane 'stringbags' of world war 1, super heroes like superman and even handgliders. i particularly remember the handgliders because now and again a demolition derby level came up where if you touched another aircraft you would die, and for handgliders they all start touching each other which made it tricky to survive.
i cannot find this game but it was so much fun in multiplayer that im sure somebody here will remember it. maybe it had a different name. we still have the disk im sure but i wouldnt know how to convert it into an adf. the name also suggests there was a prequel version. we bought it in 1990/1991.
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