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Old 22 April 2024, 16:39   #3769
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Originally Posted by TCD View Post
The myth is that it was an 'investment'. It was part of a settlement because MS stole Apple code.
I was working in Apple at the time of that Mac World show in 1997(glad i got to experience it from Apple's perspective ) and we watched it live from the office in Ireland.
There were many things involved in the settlement amongst the cash injection from M$ were that Apple had to include Internet Exporer with every Mac, M$ would release new Office versions on Mac at the same time as on PC.

It was basically M$ doing everything to keep Apple in the game

"Apple Inc. (known as Apple Computer, Inc. at the time), which accused Microsoft in the late 1980s of copying the "look and feel" of the graphical user interface of Apple's operating systems. The courts ruled in favor of Microsoft in 1994. Another suit by Apple accused Microsoft, along with Intel and the San Francisco Canyon Company, in 1995 of knowingly stealing several thousand lines of QuickTime source code in an effort to improve the performance of Video for Windows.[52][53][54][55] After a threat to withdraw support for Office for Mac,[56][57] this lawsuit was ultimately settled in 1997. Apple agreed to make Internet Explorer the default browser over Netscape, and Microsoft agreed to continue developing Office and other software for the Mac for the next 5 years, purchase $150 million of non-voting Apple stock, and made a quiet payoff estimated to be in the US$500 million-$2 billion range."
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