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Old 09 April 2024, 20:36   #60
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Originally Posted by patrik View Post
For the Blizzard1230, given that it is a 030, the highest performing system would be achieved by:
1. BlizKick ROM
2. FastExec
3. Disable mmu.library

FastExex does the same as MuMove4K and MuFastZero - move the library base of exec.library to fastmem and optionally move SSP too - this is what gives the snappy feel, but without using the MMU. Not enabling the MMU on the 030 (with a fairly complicated config) will give you anywhere from 10-20% extra performance when doing things that uses some memory bandwidth, like networking, extracting archives etc.
This is interesting, patrik.
In this case, I guess "FastExec" is this one? :

Can you please elaborate about "Not enabling the MMU on the 030 (with a fairly complicated config) ?

Or is this just a matter of removing mmu.library and the 68k-libs from LIBS: ? And of course any MuTools from startup.

EDIT: Removed mmu.library and I tried the Blizkick approach again:

C:Blizkick devs:kick32 QUIET
System kicks 32 and then reboots as normal.
Second boot, it will boot to workbench, but residentspeed tells me that exec.library and expansion.library is still in chipram.
On third reboot, everything is in place.

I could add a 'REBOOT' to the FastExec command, but did you ever achieve to do this with only one reboot?

Last edited by Firestone; 09 April 2024 at 23:00. Reason: FastExec parameter was "FASTSSP", not "FASTVBR"
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