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Old 07 April 2024, 20:09   #29
Toni Wilen
WinUAE developer
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: Hämeenlinna/Finland
Age: 49
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Most of those are probably ET4000 86box emulation problems. I am not that interested in fixing those unless they make it totally unusable.

For example wrap around is due to split line being set to line 1024 (same feature that Picasso96 uses for screen dragging). Possibly related to interlace mode which does not seem to be supported in ET4000 emulation.

320x not doubling will be fixed. 160x is not going to be fixed because no one uses those modes in real world and there is no 4x mode support.

Mouse pointer might be fixable, Merlin has RAMDAC that has hardware cursor support (that Picasso96 uses) but ET4000w32 also has built-in hardware cursor which might be what this program uses.
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