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Old 18 March 2024, 12:44   #15
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Originally Posted by Master484 View Post
Both of these games were on a CU Amiga magazine disk called "21 Games", which also had many other simple and small games.
I think this (and the specific small games you mentioned) is exactly what I was looking for, thanks!
Originally Posted by paraj View Post
IMHO you'll learn more by looking at different games a bit more shallow than understanding one game completely (unless of course, that game is your white whale).

After a couple of games you'll start to notice important patterns of what you can skip, and what is probably important. You could for example set some challenges for yourself like:
- Find where handlers (interrupt/keyboard etc.) are installed and roughly what they do
- How is input handled
- See if you could make some kind of "trainer" (e.g. figure out where "lives remaining" is stored in memory)

Using ghidra on something where the source code (or close enough reference) is available is also a good exercise if you want to get more adapt at using it (e.g. defining structures) and so on.
These are some great points. In a way I ended up that route because I haven’t been getting far with what I’ve been looking into so far and just started looking into the next game. But it helps me not feeling bad about it :P And my experiences really varied greatly between games, plus there’s still a lot to learn when it comes to using Ghidra and the UAE debugger (documentation seems to be very sparse).
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