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Old 13 January 2024, 16:35   #20
Defendit numerus
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Originally Posted by Warty View Post
Just out of like, curiosity, what kind of bad behavior should any user foolish enough to run this program expect, if I just like went ahead with using it the way it is? Like, HOW un-system-friendly is using the level 6 interrupts? Is it more than music will lag sometimes, or will it break some piece of system software that was depending on not having the interrupts diverted?

Not that I'm surrendering before trying, but I'm thinking I'm probably not going to do a very good job at writing my own interrupt code. I've only ever done that for 6502 machines, and the Amiga is a whole other beast.
If I'm not wrong, the graphics.library uses the CIAB TOD in certain situations (and set the IRQ mask for the relative bit), so it wouldn't be appropriate to use the IRQ6 directly.

Some software, especially old ones, simply diverted the vector and ignored the TOD bit on IRQ handling code, therefore the IRQ6 through the timers worked without problems for the audio player... but expect somewhere side effects...
I remember nasty bug due to bad CIA setup/handling code.

So be polite: request its use (allocate CIA/IRQs appropriately) if your software is system friendly and don't violate the rules.
If you take control of the system, do whatever you want with it
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