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Old 26 November 2023, 14:48   #8
Rock'n Roll
German Translator
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(old suggestion: ; not implemented)

- debugger deep trainer improved. "D[<s><dix> <[max diff]>]" Di = value must increase, Dd = decrease, abs(new value minus old value)
must be smaller than "max diff". s = 1 = byte, 2 = word. long words not supported. (defaults to byte) Signed integers used in comparison.
NOTE: not really tested, I was not interested

1. How about to use this s = 1 = byte, 2 = word ?
>Ds 1 or Ds 2 no answer, no change

2. actual >h-information about command is:
D[idxzs <[max diff]>] Deep trainer. i=new value must be larger, d=smaller, x = must be same, z = must be different, s = restart.

where: [idxzs] is:
D ; Deep trainer
Di ; i=new value must be larger (value must increase)
Dd ; d=new value must be smaller
Dx ; x=must be same
Dz ; z=must be different
Ds ; s=restart

D is used when you don't know the value. A health bar might not be an obvious
value so you could use D to find it. It works by eliminating addresses that
have or haven't changed. The commands are
Ds (start/reset deep trainer),
D (find any addresses that have changed since last D command),
Dx (find any addresses that haven't changed since last D command).

But what about the part <[max diff]>?
if the searching value !500 ($01F4), then the search form would be:
>Ds ; restart on byte values
>g ; -2 cannons

>Dd 2 ; bytevalue now $f2 is max diff=2
621228 addresses found ?
>Dx $f2 ; for the value f2 (x=must be same)
>Dz 5 ; for a value in range $F4-5 or $F4+5 (z=must be different)

also a multiple check in combination is not possible, like:
29069 addresses found
Now continue with 'g' and use 'D' again after you have lost another life
0 addresses found ; normally I would get the 29069 addresses found again

For the moment only the part: D[idxzs] works. (only Ds and Dd tested)

4. suggestion, please insert a formating, if result output:
After a group of 4 start at new line.

00007BFD=0008 0000E94A=0058 0000F795=0058 00087BFD=0008 ; its easier for the eyes!
0008E94A=0058 0008F795=0058 00107BFD=0008 0010E94A=0058

Last edited by Rock'n Roll; 26 November 2023 at 20:39.
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