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Old 20 October 2023, 10:52   #15
CaptainM68K-SPS France
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Originally Posted by Tigerskunk View Post
What I learned in this thread is, that the Falcon was one hell of a machine.
In the end of their days Atari really went all out.
Very honestly, the Falcon is not the super turbo charged machine some tries to sell us.

An Amiga 1200 is much more open than the Falcon 030.

Remember : the power without mastering is nothing.

The 1200 while less powerful (no DSP), is a much better machine overall, with much more software to use or run, and without all the hardware bugs plaguing the Falcon 030.

For example, a basic Falcon 030 has a bug in the TOS v4.04 that makes it corrupt files with a size above 30mb. You need to use HD Driver and rise the buffer values to fix that : no HDD driver = no fix.

Such problem doesn't exist on Amiga 1200, and the 1200 can handle much bigger hard disk (SSD 2Tb for example).

Next, the 1200 is much faster on hard drive access than the F030, with PFS3AIO. No filesystem on F030 can beat that.

So well, ok, the F030 has a better display, it can emulate CPS1 or Neogeo games, but that's very slim to oppose to the 1200. And today the 1200 has the PIstorm, that is more powerful than the faster F030 turbo charged (ex: with CT board).
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